White ran out of time. Result?
This is my first contribution to puzzling!
A while ago I composed this problem based on Article 6.9 of the Fide Laws of Chess.
Your goal is to determine what the result of this game should be after White runs out of time: victory for Black or draw? (Naturally, it is White to move.)
FEN: 6kB/p3p1P1/2p3P1/p7/8/4P3/PKP5/8 w - -
I hope you enjoy it!
If there exists a continuation from the given position that ends in a black win then the game counts as a black win. There is no need for this continuation to be plausible, it just has to be a sequence of legal moves.
If such a continuation does not exist then the game counts as a draw.
I claim that by this standard the result is
a black win.
[Variant "From Position"][FEN "6kB/p3p1P1/2p3P1/p7/8/4P3/PKP5/8 w - -"] 1. Kb1 c5 2. Kc1 c4 3. Kd2 c3+ 4. Kxc3 a6 5. Kd2 a4 6. c4 a3 7. c5 a5 8. c6 a4 9. c7 e6 10. c8=B e5 11. Bg4 e4 12. Bf3 exf3
... and from here it is obvious that black can win the game.